Flower Advisor
Donation Amount: 6%
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All Data DIY (div. of AutoZone)
Donation Amount: 12.50%
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Donation Amount: varies
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Make your donation count! Amazon flags items INDIVIDUALLY for donation credit. We highly recommend you remove items previously in your shopping cart or wish lists, then search and add them fresh to your cart to maximize your donation! 2.5% to 3.5% donation on most purchases; 2% donation on electronics; 3% donation on gift cards; 5% donation on Jewelry purchases; 0.5% donation on video game console purchases; $12.50 donation for cell phone purchase with a service plan; $1.50 to $2.50 donation for joining Amazon Prime, gifting Amazon Prime, creating a Bridal or Baby registry or joining Amazon Student. No donations paid on Auctions or zShops items or 3rd party external shopping links.
Donation Amount: *varies
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
Make your donation count! Please use only AT&T coupons or offers found on ShopforMuseums.com. Some products and services are only available in select states. $17.50 donation made on select purchases; $7.50 to $37.50 donation made based on service package purchased.
Bradford Exchange Checks
Donation Amount: 12.50%
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C&H Distributors
Donation Amount: 3.50%
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Sharper Image
Donation Amount: 1%
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
Make your donation count! Please use only Sharper Image coupons or offers found on ShopforMuseums.com.
Carousel Checks
Donation Amount: 12.50%
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
Make your donation count! Please use only Carousel Checks coupons or offers found on ShopforMuseums.com.
Checks In The Mail
Donation Amount: 4%
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
Donation Amount: *varies
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
$30.00 to $50.00 donation based on hosting plan purchased. Donations paid on Miniplan, Standard or Pro Hosting plans; No donation paid on Crystone.com shop purchases including domains, cloud, VPS, dedicated server and SEO hosting.
Dell Small Business
Donation Amount: *varies
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
Make your donation count! Please use only Dell Small Business coupons or offers found on ShopforMuseums.com. .5% to .75% donation on most purchases; 2% to 4% donation on select purchases.
Dr. Leonard's Healthcare/Carol Wright Gifts
Donation Amount: 4%
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
Make your donation count! Please use only Dr. Leonard's Healthcare coupons or offers found on ShopforMuseums.com.
eSmart Tax
Donation Amount: *varies
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
20% donation on most purchases including State Tax Preparation, Non-FFA Premium Edition Tax Preparation, Deluxe Edition Tax Preparation and eSmart Tax Upgraded Federal Return purchases; $0.50 donation on Basic Edition Tax Preparation.
FedEx Office
Donation Amount: 2.75%
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
Make your donation count! Please use only FedEx Office coupons and offers found on ShopforMuseums.com. 4% donation on most purchases; No donation paid on gift card purchases. 2.75% on most Print Online and Design Products purchases; No donation paid on the following items: FedEx Office Photo from Snapfish, Brochures, Business Card Size Magnets, Custom Hats, Custom Pens, Custom T-Shirts, Engraved Business Card Holders, Engraved Pens, Envelopes, Folders, Letterhead, Multi-Purpose Labels, Note Cards, Note Pads, Postcards, Promotional Magnets, Rubber Stamps, Return Address Labels, Sticky Notes, Vehicle Magnets and Window Decals.
FranklinCovey USA & FranklinCovey CA
Donation Amount: *varies
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
5% donation on most purchases; 6 to 12.5% donation on select purchases.
Fujitsu America
Donation Amount: 3.50%
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
Donation Amount: *varies
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
New customers: 20% donation on most purchases; $52.50 donation on 12-month hosting; 5% donation on Office365 purchases. Return customers: 5% donation on most purchases; $13.75 donation on 12-month hosting; 5% donation on Office365 purchases. Both New and Return Customers: No donation paid on Aftermarket Products, Gift Cards, Sunrise/Landrush domain registrations and Round up for Charity donations.
Donation Amount: 4%
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
Make your donation count! Please use only Grasshoppers coupons or offers found on ShopforMuseums.com.
H&R Block
Donation Amount: *varies
S P E C I A L     T E R M S
Make your donation count! Please use only H&R Block coupons or offers found on ShopforMuseums.com. 10% donation on the purchase on H&R Block Tax Online Software products; 10% donation on completion and payment of an H&R Block online federal tax return; No donation on most Free Filing products.
Hello Direct
Donation Amount: 4%
S P E C I A L     T E R M S