Kalamazoo Valley Museum
Kalamazoo,  MI
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Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site
Wilmington, NC

The excavated ruins of a colonial town that was founded in 1726 and destroyed during the Revolutionary War. The ruins include St. Philip's Church, Russellborough, the home of two royal governors, and the earthen mounds of the Confederate Fort Anderson constructed over the remains of the town. The Visitor Center houses several displays that cover the time periods from early exploration through archeological excavations. In the lobby is a colorful mural created by Claude Howell and Catherine Hendricksen depicting a scene from the Spanish attack on the town in 1748. This site offers a unique look at two fascinating periods of American history. Among the artifacts is the recently acquired original garrison flag which flew prominently over Fort Anderson. An audiovisual program provides background history.A guide map of the self-guided walking tour is available.

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