Double Donation Day!

Double Donation Day!
Aquarium of Niagara
Niagara Falls,  NY
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Double Donation Day

Utah Museum of Natural History
Salt Lake City, UT

The Utah Museum of Natural History illuminates the natural world and the place of humans within it. As Utah's state museum of natural history at the University of Utah, we:

*Foster an understanding of science as a journey of discovery and wonder. *Promote the preservation of biological and cultural diversity. *Preserve collections in trust for future generations. *Encourage new perspectives on and inspire passion for the natural world. *Celebrate Utah's native peoples and cultures. *Showcase Utah's unique and extraordinary environments. *Create knowledge through innovative research. *Demonstrate the myriad links connecting the past, present and future. *Transcend scientific disciplines to reveal the networks inherent in nature. *Serve as a center for science literacy, acting as a bridge between the scientific community and the public. *Empower people to make thoughtful decisions about the future.

Your donations help:
In support of our unrestricted account, which funds supplies for educational programs, office supplies, statewide travel by our Education staff, and our marketing outreach efforts.

There are many ways you can get involved.

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