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Oneida Community Mansion House
Oneida, NY

If your home is a reflection of who you are, no more perfect example exists than the Oneida Community Mansion House. Built brick by brick in stages between 1861 and 1914 by the utopian Oneida Community (1848-1880), the 93,000 square foot Mansion House testifies to the Community's core belief in the possibility of personal and societal perfection. In plan and decoration it reflects popular architectural styles of the mid-19th century, but its large scale epitomizes the needs of a society that lived as one family with more than 300 members.

For 33 years under the leadership of John Humphrey Noyes, the religiously-based Perfectionist Community challenged contemporary social views on property ownership, gender roles, child-rearing practices, monogamous marriage, and work. From their insistence on life-long learning and vigorous health, the abandonment of the self for the good of the whole, they developed a work ethic and well of industriousness so deep it flowed into one of the most impressive manufacturing companies of the 20th century. Due to internal and external pressures, the Community disbanded and formed a joint-stock corporation, Oneida Community Ltd., in 1881. Eventually changing its name to Oneida Ltd., the company achieved world wide recognition for the silverware it produced in Sherrill.

A non-profit organization chartered in 1987 by the New York State Board of Regents oversees this magnificent National Historic Landmark. Continually inhabited since 1862, the Mansion House features a museum, 35 residential apartments, eight dorm rooms, nine guestrooms, and dining and meeting facilities. Two hundred acres of historic landscaped grounds include the Oneida Community Golf Course and the Oneida Community Cemetery.

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