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Hearst Center for the Arts
Cedar Falls, IA

At the Hearst Center for the Arts you will find:
* Outstanding artworks and fascinating exhibitions
* Great Performances
* Valuable workshops in the creative arts
* Vibrant gathering with other art lovers
* Stimulating programs and discussions
* Classes for all age groups

Venture into the world of creativity. Discover the beauty and excitement of art in all its forms! Through dazzling exhibitions, exciting performances and programs, and stimulating classes and workshops, the Hearst Center for the Arts is your "door to the humanities and fine arts" both within and around you.

Created through a bequest to the City of Cedar Falls by poet James Hearst and his wife, Meryl, the Hearst Center delights and inspires visitors of all ages.

Your donations help:
Donations will be used towards Artist Residencies in the schools, "Signature" Children's Illustrated Book Exhibits and Collection Development, Tuition Scholarships for children and Summer "Camps" for children.

There are many ways you can get involved.

Click here to learn more:

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